出發A:TCF Bank Stadium 2009 University Avenue SE Minneapolis, MN 55455
抵達B:Northern Illinois University Huskie Stadium 1245 Stadium Drive South DeKalb, IL 60115
當日里程: 358哩
累計里程: 5249哩
終於抵達我的最後一站Northern Illinois University Huskie Stadium 北伊大哈士奇球場。早餐時間和旗隊教練Kc Perkins討論演講的細節,原本演講要安排在旗隊晚上比賽前的熱身後,但她擔心會影響正式表演的時間安排,於是商請我把演講時間提前至早上的分組練習前,這安排使我心情更為緊張,雖然已經花了一整晚的時間練習演講稿子,但時間大幅提前讓我有點不知所措。
10:30 在北伊大美麗的草地上,這個獨特的告別演講就在我忐忑緊張的心情下開始了,發抖和狂吃螺絲、不標準的英文發音貫穿全場,現場有四十個旗隊美眉將注意力集中在我身上,想要不緊張真的太難了,以下是演講全文與演講時的側錄:
It’s sad to tell you that we’re saying good-bye. I’ve enjoyed a wonderful time getting along with you. And honestly no one would like to say goodbye at this critical moment. But I must leave you because I’m going to help a drum corps from Taiwan. It’s called Taipei Yuehfu. That was the drum corps I grew up with. They are coming to compete in the Open Class for the first time in eight years. I still remember that I got a lot of help when I came to the DCI with Taipei Yuehfu long time ago. And now the corps is making another challenging trip, I feel that it’s my responsibility to give back what I owed. In addition, compared with you guys, it’s more difficult for Taipei Yuehfu to travel here. They spend more time and money to realize their dream on this field. So I feel more obliged to help them out.
It’s amazing to be here with Phantom Regiment. A lot of people ask me, “Do you have kids playing here?” No, I don’t. I was a fan of Phantom Regiment and l love drum corps life. That’s it. That’s why I volunteer to work on the food truck.
Here I want to thank my colleagues on the food truck. They are Becky, Naomi, Deiter, Ken, and Mrs. J. They are wonderful partners and they treat me like a member of their family. My English may not be good enough to fully understand their conversation, but I know that everybody is so kind and passionate. Thank you all for accepting me in the big family. Thank you for your encouragement and understanding. That’s the best thing I get from my work. And, actually we make more than pancake, pink lemonade, and pizza. We’ve created an emotional bond among one another. So I feel that everybody in Phantom Regiment is so lucky to enjoy drum corps life.
I love you Phantomettes, it’s not just because you look so handsome and gorgeous, but more because you are mentally strong. I like to watch you practicing in the morning during breakfast. That’s the most beautiful image in the world. Yes, you look sleepy under the flags. But you and I know that you’re on the way to perfection. I like to take photos of you as well. Your movements and your smile are so nature and pretty to be captured.
I know that being color guards you guys need to have excellent rapport with one another. And that’s hard. But I see solidarity and harmony in you. It’s the most fascinating spirit of drum corps activities. You support and cheer up each other, not because of one person’s own good, but because you want the whole team to be successful.
Of course I also see twisted faces, probably after hours of travelling. And I see disappointment on your faces, probably because you were not satisfied with your performance. But that’s just normal in drum corps life. That’s what it takes to be perfect. So I want you to enjoy and cherish every moment on the field and make every day the finals day with no reservation, no regret.
You can do it. I say so because your expectations are high and your efforts are immeasurable, so you’re gonna make it. I am glad that I can take part in this process when you keep improving. Seeing you guys getting better and better is definitely the best reward I can get here.
This is my third year working with Phantom Regiment. I find it extremely hard to say good bye. I feel that in the world of drum corps it’s easier to join in than stepping out. I am sure that you’re gonna spend quite some time adjusting to normal life after the end of the season. It’s so hard for me to leave you guys, but I know that’s how we get stronger and gain more.
I always tell my friends that the Phantomettes I meet here are so strong and brave. And I also encourage them to be like you, to fulfill their dreams, and to pursue perfection on the field.
So thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak to you. This is going to be a special and wonderful memory for all of us.
I love you.
演講中(Photo from Kc Perkins)
演講中(Photo from Kc Perkins)
最後跟旗隊教練Kc Perkins的擁抱讓我忍不住眼淚,對她有說不完的感謝和捨不得,她是一個深具創造力、技術涵養及親和力的教練兼朋友,也是今天這特別場合的重要幕後推手,希望未來還有機會跟這群人一起旅行。